Assistance with Urgent Eviction Matters
If you are experiencing a legal eviction, please call our call center at 1-833-273-9455 and we will refer you to Legal Aid or Florida Rural Legal Services.Follow these links for more information:
or Dial 211
Get Help with Utility Assistance
LIHEAP HVAC Replacement program is now closed
Please be advised that the electric bill assistance portal is OPEN.
Please call 1-833-CSD-WILL and speak with an agent, for any questions
Due to limited funding and staff, there may be a delay in processing applications. If you are experiencing active eviction, please review the “Assistance with Urgent Eviction Matters” section of this website.
The portal is currently open. To apply online or obtain an in-person appointment, clients must comply with the following:
Please note that eligibility criteria will change on April 1, the new eligibility criteria will be:
* Must have children age 18 and under in the household, a disabled individual, or a senior household.
* Must not have met the benefit limits of 18 months or $25,000.
* have a crisis (unexpected increase in expenses or loss of income) that is provable with documentation (must upload proof of crisis in the application).
Please call 1-833-CSD-WILL and speak with an agent, for any questions. Click below for a list of needed documents:
The portal is currently open for applications for assistance with relocation assistance for security deposit and first and last months' rent (if applicable). To apply on-line, clients must comply with the following:
* Must have children age 18 and under in the household, a disabled individual, or a senior household.
* Must not have met the benefit limits of 18 months or $25,000.
* have a crisis (unexpected increase in expenses or loss of income) that is provable with documentation (must upload proof of crisis in the application).
Please call 1-833-CSD-WILL and speak with an agent, for any questions. Click below for a list of needed documents: